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Ronin/Skills/Etrian Odyssey Untold

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< Ronin
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This page details full data for the Ronin's skills in Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl.

Katana Mastery branch

Katana Mastery
Mastery Skill

Enables Katana skills and raises damage dealt with katanas.

Katana ATK increase2%3%5%6%8%9%11%12%13%15%
Slantwise Cut
Katana Skill

Melee cut attack to 1 enemy. Enables skills requiring a stance afterward.

  • Body part used: Legs

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Katana Mastery, lv. 1
TP cost246
Perfect Chaser
Stance Skill

Stance only: Follow all allies' normal attacks this turn with another attack.

The follow-up attack is a regular attack with the user's equipped weapon.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Slantwise Cut, lv. 7
TP cost5812
Maximum chases3456
Initial follow-up chance100%
Follow-up chance decrease35%25%15%10%
Perfect Chaser
x Skill


  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR
Accuracy modifier0%
Upper Stance
Katana Skill

An overhead stance that raises physical attack and defense for a number of turns.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Katana Mastery, lv. 5
TP cost135
Physical ATK increase12%14%16%18%20%22%24%26%28%30%32%34%36%38%40%
Physical DEF increase5%7%10%11%12%13%14%15%
Duration (turns)345
Activation speed200%
Horse Slash
Upper Skill

Upper Stance only: Melee cut attack to 1 enemy.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Upper Stance, lv. 1
TP cost3610
Flame Grater
Upper Skill

Upper Stance only: Melee cut and fire attack to a line of enemies.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Horse Slash, lv. 3
TP cost81115
Swallow Strike
Upper Skill

Upper Stance only: Multiple melee cut attacks to 1 enemy.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Upper Stance, lv. 5
TP cost101418
Damage per hit125%127%129%131%133%135%137%140%142%144%146%148%170%
Minimum attacks23
Maximum attacks23
Clear Stance
Katana Skill

A stance that raises physical attack and defense for a number of turns.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Katana Mastery, lv. 5
TP cost135
Physical ATK increase5%7%10%12%14%16%18%20%
Physical DEF increase8%10%12%14%16%17%19%21%23%25%26%28%30%32%33%
Duration (turns)345
Activation speed200%
Razor Dodge
Clear Skill

Clear Stance only: Evade enemy attacks.

Each time it activates, the chance of subsequent activations is lowered.

  • Body part used: Legs

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Clear Stance, lv. 1
TP cost3610
Maximum activations2345
Initial activation chance100%
Follow-up chance decrease100%75%50%40%35%31%28%25%23%21%20%17%14%11%5%
Lightning Stab
Clear Skill

Clear Stance only: Melee stab and volt attack to 1 enemy that pierces through enemy lines.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Razor Dodge, lv. 3
TP cost71013
Arm Strike
Clear Skill

Clear Stance only: Melee cut attack to 1 enemy. May bind the enemy's arms.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, TEC, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Clear Stance, lv. 5
TP cost81115
Arm bind chance50%60%75%76%77%78%80%100%
Drawing Stance
Katana Skill

A stance that raises speed, hit rate, and evade rate for a number of turns.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Katana Mastery, lv. 5
TP cost135
Action speed increase20%24%28%32%44%48%52%56%60%72%76%80%84%88%100%
Accuracy increase13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%21%22%23%24%28%
Evasion increase13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%21%22%23%24%28%
Duration (turns)345
Activation speed200%
Beheading Cut
Drawing Skill

Drawing Stance only: Melee cut attack to 1 enemy. May instantly kill.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, TEC, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Drawing Stance, lv. 1
TP cost3610
Instant kill chance35%50%65%66%67%68%69%100%
Frigid Slash
Drawing Skill

Drawing Stance only: Ranged cut and ice attack to all enemies.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Beheading Cut, lv. 3
TP cost101418
Charging Slash
Drawing Skill

Drawing Stance only: Melee stab attack to 1 enemy.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Drawing Stance, lv. 5
TP cost81115
Peerless Stance
Stance Skill

Stance only: Usable from 3 main stances. Enables all stance skills for a number of turns.

Uses the values of the stance skills at their respective current levels. Also gives its own additional stat boost. Cannot be activated after Slantwise Cut, or extended by casting multiple times.

  • Body part used: Arms

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Katana Mastery, lv. 10
TP cost357
ATK increase12%14%16%18%22%24%26%28%30%35%37%39%41%43%50%
DEF increase7%9%11%13%17%19%21%23%25%28%30%32%34%36%40%
Action speed increase20%24%28%32%44%48%52%56%60%72%76%80%84%88%100%
Accuracy increase10%10.8%11.6%12.4%13.2%14%14.8%15.6%16.4%18%18.8%19.6%20.4%21.2%23%
Evasion increase10%10.8%11.6%12.4%13.2%14%14.8%15.6%16.4%18%18.8%19.6%20.4%21.2%23%
Duration (turns)3
Activation speed200%

ATK Up branch

Stat Up

Raises physical attack.

Physical ATK increase2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%20%
Crit Up
Passive Skill

Raises critical rate.

Critical rate only applies to regular attacks from the Attack command.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • ATK Up, lv. 5
Critical rate increase80%93%106%120%133%146%160%173%186%200%
Severing Slash
Passive Skill

Occasionally kills all enemies instantly at the start of a battle.

The activation rate increases if the user's level is higher than that of the highest-leveled enemy. Severing Slash's attack is untyped and inflicts the instant death ailment if it hits.

  • Stat(s) used: TEC, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Crit Up, lv. 5
Activation chance10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%
Instant kill chance55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%

HP Up branch

Stat Up

Raises maximum HP.

Max HP increase5%8%11%13%15%17%19%21%23%25%
Healing Skill

Restores HP to the user and adjacent allies.

Total HP recovered is equal to the skill's base HP recovery, plus a percentage of the target's max HP.

  • Body part used: Head

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • HP Up, lv. 3
TP cost3610
HP recovery (base)20232629404448525680859095100150
HP recovery (% of max HP)25%26%27%28%32%33%34%35%36%40%42%44%46%48%60%
Activation speed120%150%200%500%

TP Up branch

Stat Up

Raises maximum TP.

Max TP increase5%8%11%13%15%17%19%21%23%25%
Indomitable Cry
Battle Skill

May induce fear in all enemies.

  • Body part used: Head

  • Stat(s) used: TEC, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • TP Up, lv. 3
TP cost81216
Fear chance35%36%37%38%44%45%46%47%48%55%56%57%58%59%68%
Activation speed80%

Standalone skills

Field Skill

Allows the user to find more resources at certain mining spots.

Mine yield increase2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%20%
Activation rate0%2%4%6%10%11%12%13%14%20%


Other games for this class

Class skills by game
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Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard AlchemistBeastDark HunterGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City ArbalistBuccaneerFarmerGladiatorHopliteMonkNinjaShogunPrince(ss)WildlingYggdroidZodiac
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan ArcanistBushiDancerFortressImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerRunemasterSniper
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight AlchemistBeastDark HunterFafnirGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSovereignSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth BotanistDragoonFencerHarbingerMasuraoNecromancerPugilistRoverShamanWarlock

Races: BrouniCelestrianEarthlainTherian

Etrian Odyssey Nexus ArcanistFarmerGunnerHarbingerHeroHighlanderImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerNinjaPugilistProtectorRoninShogunSovereignSurvivalistWar MagusZodiac