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Etrian Odyssey Wiki:General disclaimer

From Etrian Odyssey Wiki

This is an enforced policy on Etrian Odyssey Wiki. This means that this page details the standard that all editors are expected to follow. To suggest any changes to this policy, please refer to the talk page.

The users of Etrian Odyssey Wiki strive to create a complete, accurate resource for the Etrian Odyssey series. However, we cannot guarantee that all of the information here is accurate. All of our content is created by human editors; therefore, some of our information may be incorrect or unreliable. Our staff tries to ensure that each edit to the wiki is reviewed, but occasionally there will be oversights. The staff holds no reponsibility if any of the information you view on Etrian Odyssey Wiki is inaccurate, misleading, offensive, dangerous, or illegal in any way. The content of Etrian Odyssey Wiki does not necessarily reflect the views of its staff or owners.

Etrian Odyssey Wiki is in no way affiliated with Atlus. All official aspects of the Etrian Odyssey series are copyright 2007-2025 by Atlus.

Unless otherwise stated, all of our content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International license. When you submit content to Etrian Odyssey Wiki, you agree to release it under the terms of this license, including allowing it to be modified and/or redistributed.

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