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Botanist/Skills/Etrian Odyssey V

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< Botanist
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This page details full data for the Botanist's skills in Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth.


Herb Mastery
Support Skill: Mastery

Improves the healing of Herb skills in battle.

Healing power increase10%11%12%13%19%20%21%22%23%30%
Healing Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Restores HP to 1 ally.

Targets 1 line if boosted by Shared Nostrum.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: WIS
TP cost358
Healing power100%115%130%145%210%225%240%255%270%350%
Activation speed150%
Sweeping Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Restores HP to 1 line.

Targets all allies if boosted by Shared Nostrum.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: WIS

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Healing Herb, lv. 5
TP cost71015
Healing power90%99%108%117%167%177%187%197%207%270%
Refreshing Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Removes ailments from an ally.

Targets 1 line (Level 1-4)/all allies (Level 5) if boosted by Shared Nostrum.

  • Body part used: Arms
TP cost1086415
Range1 ally1 line
Revival Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Resurrects an ally.

Targets 1 line if boosted by Shared Nostrum.

  • Body part used: Arms
TP cost81216
HP recovery on revival10254055125155185215245400
Activation speed70%
Support Skill

Hastens the recovery of binds and ailments.

Bind/ailment recovery rate increase15%17%19%21%28%31%34%37%40%50%
Herb Foraging
Heal Skill

Restores HP/TP to party when taking, chopping, or mining.

Total HP/TP recovered is equal to the skill's base HP/TP recovery, plus a percentage of the target's max HP/TP.

HP recovery (base)591317374349556190
HP recovery (% of max HP)15%17%19%21%29%31%33%35%37%45%
TP recovery (base)2345789101115
TP recovery (% of max TP)1%3%5%

Debuff Skill: DEF

Lowers elemental DEF to 1 line of enemies for a number of turns.

The effect is stronger if the target has a bind, ailment, or stun.

  • Body part used: Head

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Toxic Smoke, lv. 2
  • Dark Smoke, lv. 2
TP cost5812
Elemental DEF decrease4%5%6%7%9%11%13%15%
Elemental DEF decrease (with ailment)25%28%31%34%38%42%46%50%
Duration (turns)345

Merciful Healer

Herb Boost
Support Skill

When healing with Herb skills in battle, HP may be restored beyond MAX.

Excess HP is lost at the end of the turn.

Excess HP max10%11%12%13%19%20%21%22%23%33%
Support Skill: Stats

Raises maximum HP.

Max HP increase5%6%7%8%12%13%14%15%16%20%
Bountiful Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Restores HP to the party.

If used during Shared Nostrum, the range does not change, but the activation speed and healing power are decreased.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: WIS

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Sweeping Herb, lv. 5
TP cost152230
Healing power80%84%88%92%142%147%152%157%162%220%
Activation speed70%
Freeing Herb
Heal Skill (Herb)

Removes binds for an ally.

Targets 1 line (Level 1-4)/all allies (Level 5) if boosted by Shared Nostrum.

  • Body part used: Arms

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Revival Herb, lv. 3
TP cost107415
Binds removed123
Range1 ally1 line
Support Skill

May resurrect an ally when KO'd.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Freeing Herb, lv. 3
Activation chance2%3%4%5%8%9%10%11%12%15%
HP recovery on revival1016222868768492100150
Status DEF Up
Support Skill: Stats

Increases bind/ailment resistance.

Bind/ailment resistance increase8%10%12%14%18%20%22%24%26%30%
Shared Nostrum
Buff Skill: Heal

For a number of turns, extends range of Herb skills at reduced speed and effectiveness.

  • Body part used: Head

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Herb Foraging, lv. 5
TP cost203040
Healing power decrease33%29%25%21%17%13%9%5%
Action speed decrease33%29%25%21%17%13%9%5%
Duration (turns)345
Activation speed70%

Graced Poisoner

Smoke Boost
Support Skill

Increases the turn speed and lowers the TP cost of Smoke skills.

Total TP cost decrease is equal to the base TP cost decrease, plus a percentage of the normal TP cost.

Action speed increase110%116%122%128%136%144%152%160%
TP cost decrease (base)123
TP cost decrease (% of TP cost)0%15%30%
Support Skill: Stats

Raises maximum TP.

Max TP increase10%11%12%13%17%19%21%23%25%30%
Status ATK Up
Support Skill: Stats

Increases bind/ailment success rate.

Bind/ailment chance increase5%6%7%8%12%13%14%15%16%20%

Support Skill

May petrify 1 Smoke-debuffed enemy.

Fails if the target does not have a debuff inflicted by a Smoke skill.

  • Body part used: Head

  • Stat(s) used: LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Smokeblight, lv. 5
TP cost4812
Petrify chance45%46%47%48%54%56%58%60%62%75%
Support Skill

May stun 1 Smoke-debuffed enemy.

Fails if the target does not have a debuff inflicted by a Smoke skill.

  • Body part used: Head

  • Stat(s) used: LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Smokeblight, lv. 5
TP cost357
Stun chance50%52%54%56%65%67%69%71%73%85%
Activation speed300%
Passing Scent
Debuff Skill: Status

For a number of turns, current Smoke may spread its ailment to all enemies.

The specific chance of an ailment spreading is unknown.

If Passing Scent's level is lower than the level of the active Smoke skill, the spread ailment's level will be that of Passing Scent.

  • Body part used: Head

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Smokestone, lv. 3
  • Smokeflash, lv. 3
TP cost579
Duration (turns)579
Activation speed70%
Support Skill

May cast a random Smoke skill on enemy front line at the start of battle.

The activation chance increases depending on how many Smoke skills are known by the user. Will only cast Smoke skills the user knows.

Will not activate if another party member uses it first.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Smokestone, lv. 3
  • Smokeflash, lv. 3
Activation chance (1 skill)7%8%9%10%15%16%17%18%19%25%
Activation chance (2 skills)14%16%18%20%30%32%34%36%38%50%
Activation chance (3 skills)24%26%28%30%45%48%51%54%57%75%
Activation chance (4 skills)30%33%36%39%59%63%67%71%75%100%


Class skills by game
Etrian Odyssey AlchemistDark HunterHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard AlchemistBeastDark HunterGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City ArbalistBuccaneerFarmerGladiatorHopliteMonkNinjaShogunPrince(ss)WildlingYggdroidZodiac
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan ArcanistBushiDancerFortressImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerRunemasterSniper
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight AlchemistBeastDark HunterFafnirGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSovereignSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth BotanistDragoonFencerHarbingerMasuraoNecromancerPugilistRoverShamanWarlock

Races: BrouniCelestrianEarthlainTherian

Etrian Odyssey Nexus ArcanistFarmerGunnerHarbingerHeroHighlanderImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerNinjaPugilistProtectorRoninShogunSovereignSurvivalistWar MagusZodiac