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Loyal knights who use a unique drive blade. Attacks with it can be devastating, but place a heavy burden on its inner workings.

Front-line elemental melee fighters.

First appearanceEtrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
WeaponsDrive Blades

Imperial (Japanese: インペリアル Imperial) is a class that appears in the following games:




Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
English Imperial Imperial
Japanese インペリアル Imperial

VTE Classes (CategoryGallery)
Etrian Odyssey I Classes AlchemistDark HunterLandsknechtMedicProtectorSurvivalistTroubadour
Click to toggle hidden content: HexerRonin
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard Classes AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Click to toggle hidden content: Beast
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Classes ArbalistBuccaneerFarmerGladiatorHopliteMonkNinjaPrince/PrincessWildlingZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: ShogunYggdroid
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Classes DancerFortressLandsknechtMedicNightseekerRunemasterSniper
Click to toggle hidden content: ArcanistBushiImperial
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Classes AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Unlock for Classic Mode by completing Story Mode first
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Classes AlchemistBeastDark HunterFafnirGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSovereignSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Story Mode exclusive
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth Classes Brouni Celestrian Earthlain Therian
BotanistShaman NecromancerWarlock DragoonFencerHarbingerPugilist MasuraoRover
Etrian Odyssey Nexus Classes ArcanistFarmerGunnerHarbingerHeroHighlanderImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerNinjaPugilistProtectorRoninShogunSovereignSurvivalistWar MagusZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: Vampire (Pseudo-class)
Etrian Mystery Dungeon Classes DancerGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Classes AlchemistBuccaneerDancerFarmerGunnerHexerKenkakuLandsknechtMedicMonkNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Classes
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Classes