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Manipulators of miasma. They weaken foes with it, then use scythes to cut them down.

Frontline ailment offense

First appearanceEtrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
WeaponsScythes, Swords

Harbinger (Japanese: リーパー Reaper) is a class that appears in the following games:


Harbingers revolve around "miasma", a shadowy substance that calls creatures towards and away from death. Spreading it across the battlefield enfeebles the Harbinger's enemies, and enshrouding themselves in it - a technique known as Miasma Armor - empowers the Harbinger. Miasma Armor increases the Harbinger's action speed, and can have many other effects including protection, healing, and ailment and damage infliction.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
English Harbinger Harbinger
Japanese リーパー Reaper

VTE Classes (CategoryGallery)
Etrian Odyssey I Classes AlchemistDark HunterLandsknechtMedicProtectorSurvivalistTroubadour
Click to toggle hidden content: HexerRonin
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard Classes AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Click to toggle hidden content: Beast
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Classes ArbalistBuccaneerFarmerGladiatorHopliteMonkNinjaPrince/PrincessWildlingZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: ShogunYggdroid
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Classes DancerFortressLandsknechtMedicNightseekerRunemasterSniper
Click to toggle hidden content: ArcanistBushiImperial
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Classes AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Unlock for Classic Mode by completing Story Mode first
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Classes AlchemistBeastDark HunterFafnirGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSovereignSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Story Mode exclusive
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth Classes Brouni Celestrian Earthlain Therian
BotanistShaman NecromancerWarlock DragoonFencerHarbingerPugilist MasuraoRover
Etrian Odyssey Nexus Classes ArcanistFarmerGunnerHarbingerHeroHighlanderImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerNinjaPugilistProtectorRoninShogunSovereignSurvivalistWar MagusZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: Vampire (Pseudo-class)
Etrian Mystery Dungeon Classes DancerGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Classes AlchemistBuccaneerDancerFarmerGunnerHexerKenkakuLandsknechtMedicMonkNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Classes
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Classes