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This page details full data for the Hero's skills in Etrian Odyssey Nexus.

Force skills (Lv. 1)

Brave Heart
Force Boost

For three turns, increases the chance of creating afterimages, and afterimages' attack power and action speed.

Afterimage chance increase50%
Afterimage ATK increase135%
Afterimage action speed increase100%
Miracle Edge
Force Break

Deals melee Cut damage to all enemies. Restores HP to all allies. Can heal past the target's maximum HP; excess HP is lost at the end of the turn.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, WIS
Healing power75%
Excess HP maximum75%

Novice skills (Lv. 1)

Passive Skill

When the user uses an attack skill, they may create an afterimage in an empty party slot. On the following turn, the afterimage will attack with the skill that created it, and disappear at the end of that turn.

Afterimage HP (% of user's current HP)30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%100%
Activation chance13%16%19%22%25%28%31%34%37%50%
Mirage Sword
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to one enemy. Increases the user's chance of creating an afterimage.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Afterimage, lv. 1
TP cost47
Afterimage chance increase40%65%
Activation speed110%
Wide Bravery
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to one enemy. If it attacks before the target can act, it instead strikes all enemies.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR
TP cost5914
Activation speed80%
Frigid Slash
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut/Ice damage to one enemy, with splash damage to other enemies on the same line.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Brave Wide, lv. 1
TP cost613
Splash damage50%
Activation speed90%
Passive Skill

When the user uses an attack skill, restores HP to all allies. Total HP recovered is equal to the skill's base HP recovery, plus a percentage of the target's max HP. Does not activate for regular attacks, or attacks activated by Link, Chase, or counterattack skills.

HP recovery (base)7891112131415
HP recovery (% of max HP)1%3%6%
Heroic Bonds
Passive Skill

When the HP of all allies is above a certain threshold, increases the user's attack and action speed. Affects all forms of damage.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Encouragement, lv. 1
HP threshold90%88%86%84%82%75%
ATK increase110%111%112%113%114%120%
Action speed increase115%117%119%121%123%130%
Physical Shield
Shield Skill

Deals melee Bash damage to one enemy. Increases physical defence for all allies until it activates.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR
TP cost5815
Physical DEF increase85%84%83%82%79%78%77%76%75%70%
Activation speed3%
Clear Mind
Healing Skill

Removes ailments and a number of binds from the user, and restores their TP. Total TP recovered is equal to the skill's base TP recovery, plus a percentage of the target's max TP. Can only be used if the user has at least one bind or ailment. Fails if the user's binds and ailments are all removed before it activates.

TP cost25
Binds removed13
TP recovery (base)25815
TP recovery (% of max TP)2%5%
Field Skill

Allows the party to find more items at Chop points.


Veteran skills (Lv. 20)

Shadow Charge
Charge Skill

Removes all afterimages to increase the user's attack and afterimage creation chance until the end of the following turn. Affects all forms of damage. The number of afterimages dismissed does not affect the power of this skill.

  • Body part used: Head

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Mirage Sword, lv. 2
TP cost37
ATK increase35%38%41%45%49%70%
Afterimage chance increase35%38%41%45%49%70%
Activation speed200%150%100%70%40%1%
Shadow Blessing
Passive Skill

If the user uses a skill while an afterimage is present, restores a portion of the TP consumed.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shadow Charge, lv. 2
TP recovery20%23%26%29%32%35%38%50%
Shock Spark
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to one enemy, then deals follow-up ranged Volt damage to all enemies. The higher the target's Cut resistance is, the higher the Volt damage will be.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Freezing Slash, lv. 2
TP cost91317
Cut damage125%130%135%150%155%160%165%200%
Volt damage100%103%106%118%121%124%127%150%
Cut accuracy110%
Volt accuracy130%
Activation speed60%
Burst Blade
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to a number of random enemies. The number of attacks dealt is a random number between 2 and (3 + number of enemies).

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shock Spark, lv. 2
TP cost101418
Activation speed70%
Hero's Proof
Passive Skill

When the HP of all allies is below a certain threshold, increases the user's defence and chance of being targeted by enemies. Affects all forms of damage.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Hero's Bonds, lv. 2
HP threshold30%32%34%36%38%50%
DEF increase15%17%19%21%23%30%
Target chance increase6%8%10%12%14%20%
True Courage
Passive Skill

When an ally whose HP is below a certain threshold is attacked, there is a chance that the user (or their afterimage, if present) will take the hit instead.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Hero's Proof, lv. 1
HP threshold11%13%15%17%19%21%23%34%
Activation chance5%7%10%12%15%17%20%30%
Shield Materia
Shield Skill

Deals melee Bash damage to one enemy. Increases elemental defence for all allies until it activates.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shield Arts, lv. 2
TP cost5815
Elemental DEF increase85%84%83%82%79%78%77%76%75%70%
Activation speed3%
Fighting Spirit
Support Skill

Transfers binds and ailments from allies on the user's line to the user, and restores the user's Force gauge. Fails if allies' binds and ailments are all removed before it activates.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Clear Mind, lv. 1
TP cost35
Force gauge restore10%13%16%25%
Activation speed50%
New Challenger
Field Skill

Immediately begins a battle, with an increased chance of finding rare breeds. When a battle ends, there is a chance to immediately enter a new one. Fails if battles cannot occur at the current location.

TP cost25
Minimum battles13
Maximum battles3456710
Rare breed chance increase1%2%3%4%5%10%

Master skills (Lv. 40)

Dark Shadow
Passive Skill

Gives a chance to prevent afterimages from disappearing at the end of the turn.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shadow Blessing, lv. 3
Activation chance11%12%14%15%17%18%20%21%23%34%
Act Breaker
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to stun the target. The higher the target's HP is, the higher the stun chance becomes.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Burst Blade, lv. 2
TP cost141824
Stun chance60%75%100%
Activation speed150%
Regiment Rave
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut/Fire damage to one enemy at the end of the turn. Damage dealt is increased based on the damage dealt by allies who attack before this activates, up to a certain limit.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Act Breaker, lv. 3
TP cost182532
Minimum damage250%260%270%300%310%320%330%400%
Maximum damage500%527%556%648%678%710%743%1000%
Force Gifter
Sword Skill

Deals melee Cut damage to one enemy. Restores the Force gauges of allies on the user's line, but not the user.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR
TP cost1220
Force gauge restore7%14%
Force Save
Passive Skill

When the user's Force Boost expires, their Force gauge is restored.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Force Gifter, lv. 3
Force gauge restore5%10%15%25%
Guard Rush
Shield Skill

Deals melee Bash damage to one enemy. Increases all forms of defence for all allies until it activates. Each time an ally is attacked while under the effect of Guard Rush, Guard Rush's damage is increased.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shield Materia, lv. 3
TP cost253240
Damage decrease20%22%24%26%28%30%32%34%
Cooldown (turns)986
Activation speed1%


VTE Class Skills by game (Category)
Etrian Odyssey I Class Skills AlchemistDark HunterLandsknechtMedicProtectorSurvivalistTroubadour
Click to toggle hidden content: HexerRonin
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard Class Skills AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Click to toggle hidden content: Beast
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Class Skills ArbalistBuccaneerFarmerGladiatorHopliteMonkNinjaPrince/PrincessWildlingZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: ShogunYggdroid
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Class Skills DancerFortressLandsknechtMedicNightseekerRunemasterSniper
Click to toggle hidden content: ArcanistBushiImperial
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Class Skills AlchemistDark HunterGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSurvivalistTroubadour
Unlock for Classic Mode by completing Story Mode first
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Class Skills AlchemistBeastDark HunterFafnirGunnerHexerHighlanderLandsknechtMedicProtectorRoninSovereignSurvivalistTroubadourWar Magus
Story Mode exclusive
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth Class Skills Brouni Celestrian Earthlain Therian
BotanistShaman NecromancerWarlock DragoonFencerHarbingerPugilist MasuraoRover
Etrian Odyssey Nexus Class Skills ArcanistFarmerGunnerHarbingerHeroHighlanderImperialLandsknechtMedicNightseekerNinjaPugilistProtectorRoninShogunSovereignSurvivalistWar MagusZodiac
Click to toggle hidden content: Vampire (Pseudo-class)
Etrian Mystery Dungeon Class Skills DancerGunnerHexerLandsknechtMedicNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Class Skills AlchemistBuccaneerDancerFarmerGunnerHexerKenkakuLandsknechtMedicMonkNinjaProtectorRunemasterSovereignWanderer
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Class Skills
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Class Skills