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Gunner/Skills/Etrian Odyssey Nexus

From Etrian Odyssey Wiki

This page details full data for the Gunner's skills in Etrian Odyssey Nexus.

Force skills (Lv. 1)

Action Boost
Force Boost

For three turns, all Gun skills will activate twice. The second shot has reduced power, but does not consume TP.

Second shot power40%
Supreme Bolt
Force Break

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy. Attempts to stun the target.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, LUC
Stun chance1000%

Novice skills (Lv. 1)

Rapid Fire
Gun Skill

Deals three ranged Stab attacks to one enemy. Has low accuracy.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR
TP cost4812
Damage per shot75%79%83%95%99%103%107%130%
Activation speed200%
Spread Shot
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy, with splash damage to other enemies on the same line.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Rapid Fire, lv. 3
TP cost71115
Splash damage50%
Activation speed80%
Leg Snipe
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy. Guaranteed to hit. Attempts to bind the target's legs.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, LUC
TP cost5913
Leg bind chance40%50%60%
Activation speed40%
Arm Snipe
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy. Guaranteed to hit. Attempts to bind the target's arms.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Leg Snipe, lv. 2
TP cost5913
Arm bind chance40%50%60%
Activation speed40%
Cover Fire
Healing Skill

If the user is in the rear line and defends, restores HP to the front line. Total HP recovered is equal to the skill's base HP recovery, plus a percentage of the target's max HP.

HP recovery (base)8910111215
HP recovery (% of max HP)5%6%7%8%9%15%
Shell Shock
Support Skill

Lowers the attack, defence, accuracy, and evasion of the rear enemy line, and attempts to stun them.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Cover Fire, lv. 2
TP cost47
Enemy ATK decrease15%17%19%25%
Enemy DEF decrease15%18%21%30%
Enemy accuracy decrease10%11%12%15%
Enemy evasion decrease15%18%21%30%
Stun chance40%45%50%65%
Activation speed300%
Medic Bullet
Gun Skill

Restores HP and removes ailments for one ally. Total HP recovered is equal to the skill's base HP recovery, plus an amount determined by the skill's healing power and the user's WIS stat.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: WIS
TP cost610
HP recovery (base)151923273150
Healing power10%14%18%22%26%40%
Activation speed70%250%
Flare Bullet
Buff Skill

Increases all allies' accuracy for three turns.

  • Body part used: Arms
TP cost47
Accuracy increase15%16.5%18%19.5%21%30%
Activation speed40%60%80%100%120%200%
Field Skill

Allows the party to find more items at Mine points.


Veteran skills (Lv. 20)

Leading Shot
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy line. Reduces the evasion of damaged enemies for three turns.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Spread Shot, lv. 2
TP cost1017
Enemy evasion decrease10%11.5%13%14.5%16%25%
Activation speed150%
Wild Shot
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to all enemies.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Leading Shot, lv. 2
TP cost121824
Activation speed80%
Head Snipe
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy. Guaranteed to hit. Attempts to bind the target's head.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR, LUC

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Arm Snipe, lv. 2
TP cost5913
Head bind chance40%50%60%
Activation speed40%
Act Quick
Charge Skill

Until the end of the next turn, the user's TP costs will be reduced, and the activation speed of their skills will increase.

  • Body part used: Arms
TP cost2
TP cost decrease10%40%55%75%
Activation speed increase1000%
Activation speed (this skill)50%
Charged Shot
Gun Skill

Deals ranged Stab damage to one enemy. The user will take double damage until it fires.

  • Body part used: Arms

  • Stat(s) used: STR

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Act Quick, lv. 2
TP cost151924
Activation speed30%
Preemptive Shell
Support Skill

Gives the user a chance to activate Shell Shock automatically at the start of battle. Will not activate if another ally uses it first.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Shell Shock, lv. 1
Activation chance20%26%32%38%44%67%
Preemptive Flare
Support Skill

Gives the user a chance to activate Flare Bullet automatically at the start of battle. Will not activate if another ally uses it first.

Prerequisite skill(s):

  • Flare Bullet, lv. 2
Activation chance15%20%25%30%35%50%
Support Skill

Gives the user's single-target attacks a chance to pierce lines. Does not activate for multi-hit skills.

Activation chance18%23%28%33%38%43%48%66%
Stat Up

Increases the user's maximum TP.

Max TP increase7%9%11%17%19%21%23%30%

Master skills (Lv. 40)